Sunday, July 28, 2013

Day 20: SO GOOD

Yesterday I went to Mat Pilates at the Y- seriously havent done that in like a year, for sure before I got pregnant. And I was like rolling all over the place. Everyone else is like able to control themselves with their abs while holding certain moves and I was just trying to not look like a fool! HA! That was fun. But atleast I tried right???

Last night Luke and I went on a date. We went to Good Earth in Roseville and... IT WAS SO GOOD. I might have gotten a little excited about the nachos- unsalted corn chips. black beans. chicken. cheese. salsa and guac. YUM. The only thing that I think might have been pushing the limit of the challenge was the cheese. Well- if I had one cheat day- this was it!!

And then I had an all natural burger on whole wheat bun with a side salad. IT WAS AWESOME.

And then........ I did it.... I ordered dessert. BAD ME! BUT it was gluten free!!!! :) So come on- I made way better choices then going to Applebees next door and getting a burger with fries and a blondie for dessert!!

After we went to see Despicable Me 2- cute movie! But pretty sure for every adult in the theater there were 3 kids. lol. It was still fun :)

So approve or not approve of my date night indulgences- it was much needed.


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