Friday, April 6, 2012

Key to stress: Take it day by day

Today's post comes following a long week of working overnight shifts. I only slept a handful of hours today so that hopefully I can go to sleep at a somewhat decent time tonight to get back on "days" schedule for next week. I am tired, and easily can get overwhelmed. None the less, my first week on overnights did go pretty well but the stress of a new job, new shift, and messed up schedule did take its toll on me this week. I didn't get my workouts in like I wanted to, didn't eat like I wanted to, and it was difficult to get things done besides work and sleep. 

AND just to add to the "ugh" feeling... My family is enjoying a Florida vacation this week without me :( It just didn't work out with my new job to go, so I am bumming a little bit that I cannot be with them.

So all this stress and overwhelmingness has started to creep up over me and come over my attitude. I started to feel anxious and nervous and was having a hard time moving on. But then I remember a valuable lesson that I quickly learned in my first couple years of college... You MUST take life one day at a time. Sometimes even hour by hour... or minute by minute!!

It can get so easy to fall into a "rut" of bad attitude, ran over by stress and ungratefulness. Then add on the worry of tomorrows and you just have one crap of a day. But here is the good news... IT DOESNT HAVE TO BE THAT WAY!! We have a loving Father that is more than willing to take the big stresses in our lives, to our little petty attitudes, and turn it into gratefulness and JOY! 

I know that it is easier said than done to just let things go... And I have my days where I just want to hang on to the stress and "hardship", in hopes that maybe I will get some "sympathy" or something... but after you learn to let it go, it is unbelievably freeing. AND WORTH IT!

A tip that I have to help me leave things at the Cross and let go of todays (and tomorrows) worries, is I like to write them down. And as I write them down I imagine that I am taking them out of my mind and handing it over to Christ through this piece of paper. For me, I am a visual and hands on person, so sometimes just "letting things go" in my mind just doesn't cut it! 

Today, think about some things that you have a hard time letting go of that make you stressed or overwhelmed. Then think of how your life would be without that stress. Now... live that way! Thank you Jesus that we have that opportunity and that we can live day by day without worry!

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